Learn how to make Kefir
Kefir was originally made using goat skinned bags hanging in the doorway of the home but don’t worry you can make it with just a few simple tools and skip the goat and bag all together.
To get yourself going you’ll need
2 pint jars with lids
2 cups of raw milk
1 Tablespoon of kefir grains
A slotted spoon or colander*
A funnel *
1: Clean all jars and utensils using hot soapy water and rinse completely.
2: Place 1 Tablespoon kefir grains into a pint jar
3: Add 1 cup of raw milk to the grains.
4: Top with lid (tighten but don’t over do it)
5: Lightly shake the jar
6: Label the jar so your partner doesn’t freak out
7: Leave on the counter out of direct sunlight, for 12 to 24 hours (the longer the tangier)
1: Shakeup the jar
2: Place funnel and colander over clean pint jar
3: Pour thicken liquid through colander and into jar (THIS IS YOUR KEFIR TO USE)
4: Return the grains to the used jar, using the funnel so they don’t lose any
5: Pour 1 cup of milk over the grain
6: Secure a lid on the jar and shake it up
7: Place on the counter out of direct sunlight
9: Repeat every 12 to 24 hours for best results.
Making kefir is a skill that is built through trial and error. Over time you’ll find your sweet spot and know what to look for as the kefir ferments.
If you plan on leaving and cannot take your kefir with you (which should never happen) you’ll want to use this method to slow down the fermentation.
1: Place kefir grain in a clean pint jar
2: Fill with raw milk leaving 1 inch of headroom
3: Place a clean lid on the jar
4: Put it in the back of the refrigerator.
5: One week later stain out the kefir
6: Repeat steps 1-3 in STOP.
You can also place your gains in a small container without milk and into the freezer for 3 to 6 months. But you’ll need to restart them when you are ready to start using them again.
It should take about 2 days and 4 cups of raw milk to get your grains up and running again.
1: Place grains in clean jar
2: Pour 1 cup of raw milk in jar
3: Cap and slightly shake.
4: Place on the counter out of direct sunlight for 12 hours.
5: Shake jar
6: Strain out the kefir and replace the grains in the jar. (the keifer you strain out is still drinkable and usable but it won’t be the really good stuff we are looking for)
7: Add 1 cup of raw milk and replace the lid.
8: Shake slightly
9: Place on counter out of direct sunlight for 12 hours
10: Repeat 5-9 two more times
Now your grains are ready to START making some really good wholesome kefir.
Kefir grains are a living culture and need to be fed at least every day unless they are bing stored for the long term. It’s hard to kill um BUT they will quit working if they get too warm. When culturing try to keep them between the temps of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
NOTE: When starting to consume kefir for the 1st time you’ll need to go slow and steady. Try taking a shot glass full 2 times a day for a week and watch how your body reacts. Really the only side effect known is cramping and loose stool. This can be avoided by starting off with small amounts and working yourself up to where you want to be. I personally consume 2 cups or more of kefir a day but I started off with 2 tablespoons.
April Out.