You’ll skim the cream off the top of the milk
Then set it on the counter and wait for 24 to 48 hrs.
This is become your clabber starter
You’ll pour 4 cups of skimmed raw milk into a quart jar
Then add a ½ cup of your clabber starter to that new jar
Set it on the counter for 24 hour
Now you have clabber that you can drink and use for baking
6 cups of raw milk
2 quart glass jars
Coffee filter
2 canning jar rings that fit your jars
A whisk
Towel to pick up dripples
Measuring cup ½ cup
Permanent marker
Some Patients
Skim the cream off the top of your milk
Pour 2 cups into a glass quart jar
Place the remainder of your milk into the fridge for later use
Take your milk in the glass jar and cover with a coffee filter using a canning ring to hold it in place
Using a permanent marker write the date and “Clabber Starter” on the jar
Place on the counter away from direct sunlight in an area that’s about 65-75F degrees
Check your milk every 6 hours until it begins to thicken
You’re looking for a thicken substance that has just started to separate into curds and whey. This is your Clabber Starter
Now you’ll get your other 4 cups of milk out of the fridge
Pour it into your other quart jar
Using the permanent marker date and label this jar “Clabber”
Set the jar on the counter until it reaches room temperature
Now take a ½ cup of your Clabber Starter and whisk it into your fresh milk
Put a coffee filter over the top with a canning ring to hold in place
Set on counter out of direct sunlight for 12- 24 hrs 65F-75F
Check it every 6hrs our so and notice the difference as it starts to ferment
Smell and look at it, when it has thickened and is just starting to pull away from the jar you have clabber
Set aside a ½ cup of your new clabber to start your next batch and place in the refrigerator. Remember to label
What you have left is your clabber and you can drink it or use it for baking just like you would if it were buttermilk.
Make sure to place it in the refrigerator when you are not using it otherwise it will turn to curds and whey and then get bitter
You can refresh your clabber every 2 weeks using the starter batch. (Over time the clabber loses it umph. After 2 weeks you may have a hard time starting a new culture without leaving it out for a long time)
-It’s a mesophilic cultured milk and you can use it to start making cheese. (Mesophilic starts to activate at room temps unlike Thermophilic cultures which require heat to activate. This makes clabber a great homesteading and practical way to start cheeses.)
-Use it in baking. The lactic acid in the clabber reacts with the baking soda creating a light and fluffy batter.
-Dressings or dips like tartar sauce
-In a smoothie.
Add some ice, buttermilk, berries, and honey. Blend until smooth. Drink up
-Replace milk in recipes.
-It can extend the life of your Raw Milk. (If you have some extra raw milk that is starting to sour in the back of the fridge you can always start a batch of clabber and get another 2 weeks out of your milk!)
-If you still have extras you can always freeze them using ice cube trays for future use. (It won’t unfreeze and be a drink, but it will work great in all recipes and smoothies)
Originally humans didn’t drink fluid milk. We had no refrigeration back then so we would milk the cows and within a few hours the milk would start to ferment into clabber
During the fermentation process, the enzyme lactase breaks down the lactose in the milk and produces lactic acid which made it easier for our ancestors to digest the milk.
Because the milk “clabber” was so easy to digest (in as fast as an hour) our ancestors would have gotten a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
When a single food source can give a person so much health in such a small dose it allowed us to have more time to “study & imagine” rather than hunting for food.
As hunters and gathers we would follow the herds of milking animals and steal the milk but the more time we gained from drinking this milk would allow us to switch things up and start herding the animals where we would want them. Eventually, we quit being nomadic and we would keep our cows and goats by supplying them with grains and hay.
This allowed us to have our milk whenever we wanted
Around the 1900’s we figured out that by adding baking soda to the flour and using clabber to moisten it into the dough there would be a reaction that caused the bread to rise.
With the invention of pasteurization clabbered milk became a thing of the past. If you try to clabber pasteurized milk it will turn rancid and becomes deadly to use. This is when they started to make buttermilk which is basically a culture of clabber that is added to pasteurized milk
You can use your clabber for starting sour cream, cottage cheese, and soft cheeses.
Some folks even enjoy just drinking it plain.
It quickly cools down our bodies
It will help with digestion
Boosts your immune system
Rich in probiotics
The lactic acid in clabber normalizes the acidity in the stomach and gives a soothing effect.
People who have lactose intolerance may find clabber easier than standard pasteurized milk to digest. When we make clabbered milk we do a wild fermentation which adds bacteria that break down and digest lactose in the milk. This bacteria converts lactose into lactic acid, lowering the total amount of lactose.
If you notice mold starting to form just throw it to the chickens and start over
Use clean equipment when making clabber
You can make clabber with any type of raw mammal milk. Goat, camel, donkey.
If you make it with cream it becomes sour cream
Store your clabber for up to 2 weeks.
You can make a clabbered cheese with it really easy and without much effort if you have more than you can handle.
Use your clabber in a replacement for all milk in recipes. Even smoothies, mashed potatoes, and pancakes. It will add a wonderful flavor and those awesome health benefits.
Simply Clabber
Take your clabber and mix in some cinnamon and honey to taste. Sit down and enjoy
Some folks like to make up pumpkin and pour the clabber over the top with some brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and a dash of cloves for a wonderful fall treat.
There is so much amazing information about clabber. Please let me know if you have any other questions about it.