(Kefir is a cultured-dependant fermented dairy product)
What is a fermented food? Fermentation is an anaerobic (without oxygen) process where microorganisms convert food sugars into products like probiotics, carbon dioxide, organic acids, and alcohol.
How is food fermented? Foods can be fermented naturally, called “wild ferments” where the microorganisms are presented naturally in the food & environment, for example, sauerkraut and kimchi.
They can also be fermented by adding starter cultures, known as “culture-dependent ferments”, for example, kefir, yogurt, and kombucha.
Are all fermented foods created equal? The foods that give you healthy benefits are fermented using a natural process & contain probiotics. Live cultures are found in some yogurt, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles.
What do fermented foods do for my health? They are a source of beneficial probiotic & prebiotic bacteria. They are easier for the body to digest. Fermentation removes ‘anti-nutrients’ which enhance the availability of certain nutrients. They improve symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps to lower the risk of heart disease, supports immune function, reduces the risk of infection, and aids in weight loss.
How long have humans been fermenting foods? Before fermented alcoholic beverages were developed some 9000 years ago, humans fermented dairy. Around 10,000 BCE the milk of camels, goats, sheep, and cattle was naturally fermented. The fermentation occurred spontaneously, rather than intentionally, due to naturally existing microflora presented in the milk and the subtropical climate.
What does fermented food do as it’s digested? Both the lactic acid bacteria and the enzymes found in ferments enable the nutrients from your food to easily be absorbed. Vitamins & minerals are often less bioavailable for your body to absorb in raw food. The lactic acid bacteria and enzymes in fermented food unlock those vitamins & minerals by breaking down the cell walls that keep those nutrients trapped. When eaten with healthy fats, fermented foods can absorb nutrients from other foods and make them easier to digest
How should I eat fermented food? Some folks will eat more than three servings a day. Ferments are alive, life-giving foods and there are no adverse effects to enjoying them in abundance. If you're just getting started, your tolerance for ferments will depend on the current state of your gut and how accustomed you are to eating them. Begin with one serving per day and work your way up. Your body will tell you to back off if you overdo it. Your tolerance for more ferments will grow with time.
Why is food better fermented? Fermented foods contain probiotics which are good bacteria. Bacteria like to hang out in our guts and they influence our health. Fermented foods also often contain other health boosters, such as protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
How long do fermented foods last? Months or even years depending on how they are stored. They can be refrigerated, kept in a cupboard, or even a root cellar.
Where do I get fermented foods? Grocery stores in the refrigerated section usually where the bagged salads or cheeses are. You can also make it yourself at home with little effort. To ensure the fermented foods you choose contain probiotics, look for the words "naturally fermented" on the label.
Are all pickles created equal? No. If a jar of pickles is on the store shelf next to the mayo & mustard you can guarantee it’s not fermented. Pickling is an ancient method of preserving vegetables by immersing them in boiling vinegar. The hot liquid kills microorganisms and destroys any enzymes in the cucumbers. Acetic acid in the vinegar provides an environment that turns the vegetables sour and discourages spoilage organisms from growing back.
Fermented pickles are raw cucumbers placed in a vessel with a light, salty brine of 2% salt and water. Initially, the brine solution is a mix of the microorganisms on the cucumber and in the air when the vessel is filled. But within a few days, lactic acid bacteria turn sugars in the cucumbers into lactic acid. The more lactic acid the bacteria produce, the more spoilage organisms are eliminated. Within a short time, the acid buildup cleanses the fermented mixture of all unhealthy organisms and you have true healthy fermented pickles.
If fermented foods are good then why are beer & wine considered bad? While both beer & wine are fermented, they are considered “bad” for your health because of the high alcohol content which will negatively impact the liver and overall health. Most fermented foods contain minimal alcohol and are loaded with beneficial probiotics. The fermentation process used to make most modern-day alcoholic beverages kills the beneficial bacteria.
What foods are healthy fermented? Kefir, pickles, sauerkraut, kavass, kimchi, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, sour cream, buttermilk, kombucha, etc… Remember to make sure it has “active or live bacteria” to receive the probiotic health benefits.
Fermentation is a way to connect with our primal instincts.
- Wild Fermentation Book-