The Freezer


A ¼ beef will need around 3.5 cubic feet of freezer space

  • 35 pounds of wrapped frozen meat takes 1 cubic foot of freezer space. (This is a square milk crate size) 

  • This doesn’t include bones.  They will need more space than the muscle cuts.

  • A ¼ will be around 100 pounds of meat

A stand-up freezer will require more space than a chest freezer.


When you come home with your beef you will want to put it immediately in the freezer to prevent freezer burn.  Make sure to have your freezer cleaned out before you leave to pick up your beef.  


The hamburger will be in 1 or 2-pound tubes.  They stack ok, but it’s best to put them in a basket or tub. 

I’ve had the stacked ones fall and go everywhere.  When a couple hit the floor they split open but I didn’t know it.  6 months later when I opened one all the meat was ruined from the freezer burn. 

Even when transferring your meat from the baskets at the butchers to your coolers or boxes be gentle.  Just because they are frozen doesn’t mean you can’t damage the meat. 


Steaks and roasts stack great.  The biggest problem is not knowing what the cut of beef is when you open the freezer. 

The butcher will wrap the meat in saran wrap, then with butcher paper, and label it with a stamp. 

When the meat is stacked in the freezer you can’t read the stamps. 

Have a permanent marker handy and write the names of each cut of the side while you stack so you can see what you have when you open the freezer back up later on.


It’s also important to have an itemized sheet with all the names of the cuts and the amount that you have.  This is especially helpful with a chest freezer.

You can even make a map of your freezer so anyone who looks in it will know where to look for the pot roast or the New York steaks. 

Have someone help you fill it out as you’re loading the freezer. Then put it in a plastic sheet protector with a pen nearby so everyone can cross off what is taken out and you’ll know what’s available for dinner any time just by taking a glance at it.  


Clean out and defrost the freezer ahead of time.  You’ll also what to wipe down the outside of the freezer.

  1. Empty out the contents into coolers or boxes (keep them cold)

  2. Pull it away from the wall and unplug it

  3. Take a hair dryer or heat gun and defrost the freezer

  4. Vacuum around the compressor in the back.

  5. Give the outside a good wipe-down with vinegar. 

  6. Look at the wiring and repair any cuts or tears to the cord. 

  7. Clean up around it.  Remove anything that is leaning aginst, or draped over it.

  8. Put the freezer back, plug it in, and put your contents back inside.

I’ve heard too many horror stories about the freezer door not latching because something prevented the door from shutting and they didn’t know it. 

You’ll be visiting your freezer more often too. It’s pleasant when it’s clean & easy to access.


You can buy aftermarket door alarms for your freezer if they don’t have one equipped already.  This can save you thousands of dollars of wasted rotten meat. 

If you are going on vacation it’s a good thing to let the person caring for your house know to listen for that alarm.  Sometimes they don’t know and won’t tell.  


You’re going to be putting thousands of dollars of meat in your freezer. Now is the time to set yourself up for success. 

Write down all the things that you think could go wrong and then plan for them. 

Does your kid come home from college and take all the T-bones?  Great stack the T-Bones under the liver and soup bones. 

Does your spouse open the freezer door and always say they can’t find it?  Perfect, teach them to use the Itemized sheet and freezer map. Let them know how important it is to keep it updated. 


  • Make sure you have the correct amount of space

  • Prevent Freezer Burn

  • Handle your frozen beef gently

  • Make it visible

  • Know what’s in stock

  • Clean up now

  • Get an alarm

  • Set yourself up to be successful


Beef Price Breakdown


The Cut & Wrap