Whipping Up Easy Raw Cream

Join me as I whip up some raw milk cream and turn it into a delightful treat

Hey there, folks! It's April, and today in Episode 3 of the Tide Creek Farms Podcast, I want to share a simple recipe for making whipped cream from natural raw milk. No fancy stuff, just good ol' homemade goodness.

Getting Started

First off, you'll need some natural raw milk. Let it sit for a bit, and you'll notice the cream rising to the top. That's because the fat molecules in the cream are lighter than the water and proteins in the milk. Once it’s separated just skim the cream off the top.

Now, if you're using a plastic jug, you can make life easy by poking a hole at the bottom. Let the skim flow out into a jar until you hit the creamy goodness. Be careful not to shake it too hard and mix the cream up.  A sharp knife!

Not All Cream is the Same

Raw cream has three layers: thick at the top, a bit thinner in the middle, and almost like ½ & ½ at the bottom. We're after the top part for our whipped cream today. The rest, I use for every day "milk" things.

Cows & Cream

Different cows make different cream. Our Jerseys are champions in this department, turning our alfalfa & grass into creamy goodness. Holsteins, those big black & white cows, produce lots of milk but aren't top-notch in the cream game. Each cow has a different amount of cream depending on where they are in their cycle.  And for our sheep or goat milk friends, their cream stays mixed in the milk. 

What your animals munch on matters. We keep our cows munching on pasture, alfalfa, and grass seed pellets year-round to keep that cream consistent.

Raw Cream's Versatility

Raw cream can be used to make an array of things. We make sour cream, cream cheese, butter, iced cream, and coffee creamer. But today, let's dive into the joy of making whipped cream.

Let’s Make Whipped Cream

Ingredients & Tools:

- Large bowl

- Mixer (stand or hand mixer)

- 1 cup of very cold heavy whipping cream

- 1 tablespoon maple syrup

- 1 tablespoon cornstarch (optional)


1. Make sure your utensils and the bowl are cold. I usually pop them in the freezer an hour before.

2. Mix the syrup and cornstarch, then add it to the cream.

3. Pour the cream into the cold bowl and start whipping.

4. Watch it foam up, thicken, leave a ridge, and stop when soft peaks form.

Remember, keeping things cold is key. Sweeten your whipped cream with sugar, maple syrup, honey, stevia, or monk fruit. Get creative! You can also enjoy it plain because raw cream is delicious on its own.

In my recipe, I added a tablespoon of cornstarch to make it a bit thicker and last longer, but this is completely optional. Raw whipped cream lasts about a day, so whip it up an hour before serving and chill it in the fridge.

Whether on pies, hot cocoa, or just as a delightful treat, raw whipped cream is a joy to make. So the next time you get your raw milk just skim off the top few inches and give making whipped cream a try.  

Thank you for listening today. Get out there and try something new. The best part about whipped cream is if you screw it up it’ll turn into butter! Until next time, have a wonderful day.




What is Raw Milk