
Hey there Welcome to my podcast where we dive into the world of raw milk, micro dairies, and community. I’m here to give you some insight into the most controversial food on the planet.

My own personal journey began eight years ago when I introduced a milk cow into my life. Picture this: A new homesteader who once operated heavy machinery and played in the untamed wilderness of Alaska, now being transformed into a raw dairy enthusiast. Little did I know when I purchased my 1st cow, that this decision would set me on a path of discovery, personal transformation, and a new way of understanding nourishment and community.

Let's look back to those early days. Learning how to run a micro dairy has been the most challenging thing I’ve ever done. It was a hard learning curve to say the least. – one that I embraced with enthusiasm, but I faced a ton of uncertainty.

I found wisdom in experienced farmers whom I hounded for their knowledge,  the many nights spent nose-deep in old books, and the guidance of the Raw Milk Institute. Through these sources, I transitioned from a beginner cowgirl to a competent raw milk producer and teacher.

This podcast is not just about my personal story. It's also about exploring the complex life of raw milk – its historical significance, its relevance, and its potential to reshape our relationship with food and our communities.

Imagine a world where every neighborhood has its own milk cow. Picture the joy of sharing nutrient-rich food with your neighbors.  Consider the empowerment that comes from crafting your own cheeses, and having the freedom to indulge in creamy delights with your family,  all while nurturing a deep understanding of the origins of your food. 

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where convenience often overshadows quality, the idea of a natural diet might seem like a distant dream. However, I encourage you to pause and think about this statement– proper nourishment isn't found on supermarket shelves, it thrives in your own backyard and within your community.

Now, let's address something that a lot of folks don’t like to talk about. I'm not here to instill fear but rather to raise awareness. There could come a time when our usual food sources are disrupted. If you haven't built connections with local food producers, you could find yourself very hungry and stuck using government assistance. 

Life has taught me the value of community. Gaining knowledge about raw milk isn't just about personal gain; it's about being a source of support in uncertain times. We all the the ability to be that person who can offer nourishment to those around us when they need it the most. It just takes learning new skills. 

Reflecting on my early days with raw milk, I can recall my lack of understanding about raw milk. After searching raw milk online I was petrified. The Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Disease Control explained it as if pasteurization is the only option if I don’t want to die from drinking milk. 

That put me in a tough spot, I have this milk cow and don’t know what to do with my milk.  I didn’t know how to pasteurize it, I couldn’t sell it, and I didn’t have a lot of money to invest.  My original idea was that milking a cow was a simple chore that they did on the little house and the prairie. Nothing to is. But because my government said it was dangerous I was scared to do anything with it. Instead, I milked my cow 2 times a day by hand and fed it to my hogs.  (Great meat but definitely not worth the work)

I had to figure things out with this milk cow and fast. So I drove head first into uncovering the mysteries around raw milk & the dairy industry. This new quest led me to investigate the history of milk.  

To my surprise, I found that pasteurization is a relatively recent development. Just 134 years ago, a Jewish immigrant named Nathan Straus took Louis Pasteur's technique of pasteurizing wine and adapted it for milk. After this finding, I then asked how our ancestors safely consumed milk before the late 1800s. Come to find out raw milk, sourced from an array of animals like cows, goats, and even reindeer, has been a staple of humans for thousands of years.

My experiences while at war in Afghanistan made me skeptical of the Department of Defence, which then extended to any and all governmental organizations like the FDA and CDC. As I explored deeper into the world of raw milk, I unearthed unsettling truths about these institutions & their connection to the large corporations that supply our food chain. I couldn’t help but think they were hiding something. This motivated me to start researching the health benefits of raw milk. 

Ok, this is where my mind shift started to happen – raw milk isn't the same as pasteurized milk; it's a nutritional powerhouse. People don't merely survive on it; they thrive. In the past, the Mayo Clinic relied on raw milk to treat various ailments & diseases. Humans have known for over 10,000 years that milk is a sustainable food source. It’s even bursting with enzymes, that preserve it by transforming it into cheese. We have been blessed with a  gift from nature. A nourishing liquid that can greatly enhance our well-being and actually sustain a civilization.

As I kept getting shocked by what I was reading I often wondered why raw milk was so mysterious. Why were its benefits being concealed from me? After doing some deeper in-depth research and getting lots of personal experience I started to see how politics, huge corporations, greed, & money work together to control how we view dairy. The diary industry alone is a 40 BILLION dollar business.    

My upbringing gave me a basic understanding of healthy eating, yet I rarely did what I was told. I lived on a diet of mac & cheese, ice cream, fast food, and alcohol for years. It wasn't until my experiences in Alaska living off-grid that I started to understand food's importance. I decided, in 2014, to invest in an Oregon homestead. Life began to look a lot different from my days as a heavy equipment operator building ice roads for large oil companies in Alaska.

On my homestead, I nurtured pigs, chickens, horses, and so much more. I never had any time, I had no idea what I was doing, and my life was chaos. I learned a very valuable lesson, balance. Realizing that I couldn't juggle everything I chose to focus on dairy cows. I didn’t just make this decision because dairy cows are the most adorable creatures, but also because we are providing a service to our community.  When shit hits the fan, our dairy could be a lifeline, providing nutrition and support to our neighbors.

Today, my mission is to empower others to embrace a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. This mission extends beyond raw milk. It’s meant to empower you to live your best life.

Thank you for joining me on this episode. There's so much more to uncover about raw milk and a natural way of living, so stay tuned for more.


What is Raw Milk